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Accelerate the development of cutting-edge emerging hydrogen energy industry
Time:2024-04-20      Click:987

Original title: Accelerate the development of cutting-edge emerging hydrogen energy industry China's hydrogen energy industry system has accelerated its formation

Inner Mongolia began to build a hydrogen energy industrial park, putting the "hydrogen capital of northern Xinjiang" on the agenda; Xinjiang will allow the construction of renewable energy water electrolysis hydrogen production projects and hydrogen production and refueling stations outside chemical parks; Chengdu will promote the development of the whole industrial chain of hydrogen energy "production, storage, transportation and use" and build a "green hydrogen capital...... Recently, many regions in China have launched hydrogen energy industry development plans, indicating that hydrogen energy, as a strategic emerging industry and the key development direction of future industries, is ushering in a period of rapid development.

Hydrogen energy is an important part of the future national energy system and an important carrier for energy-using terminals to achieve green and low-carbon development. Some experts said that we should adhere to the market application as the traction, adapt measures to local conditions, and steadily and prudently expand the application scenarios of hydrogen energy in transportation, energy storage, industry and other fields.

The reporter noted that recently, Shandong issued the "Notice on the Temporary Exemption of Highway Tolls for Hydrogen Energy Vehicles", which took the lead in opening the pilot project of exempting hydrogen energy vehicles from highway tolls in new energy vehicles. The person in charge of a company in Shandong said that this policy can save 380,000 yuan in high-speed expenses for each hydrogen vehicle every year, significantly reduce the cost of hydrogen vehicles, and stimulate the interest of more enterprises to rent or buy hydrogen vehicles.

Li Huan, deputy director of the Green Manufacturing Research Office of the Institute of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection of CCID Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from People's Daily Online that under the vision of carbon neutrality, the requirements for industrial carbon reduction are gradually compacted, the pressure of renewable energy consumption is gradually emerging, and the role of hydrogen energy deep decarbonization and long-term energy storage is more prominent. At the same time, the hydrogen energy industry has high technology content and wide coverage, which can comprehensively lead and drive the development of related new materials, new energy equipment, and new business models.

According to the Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035), by 2030, China will form a relatively complete technological innovation system for the hydrogen energy industry and a clean energy hydrogen production and supply system. By 2035, we will build a diversified hydrogen energy application ecosystem covering transportation, energy storage, industry and other fields.

The hydrogen energy industry has huge development potential, but at the same time, Li Huan said that China's development in this field is still in its infancy.

Peng Tianduo, an associate researcher at the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University, also said in an interview with People's Daily Online that China still needs to break through technical bottlenecks in several key areas on the road of promoting the development of the hydrogen energy industry, including the optimization of key equipment, the innovation of tank materials and the research and development of catalyst materials. If these "bottleneck" problems in the field of hydrogen energy can be solved, it will further promote the expansion of the domestic hydrogen energy market and lay a solid foundation for the healthy development of the industry.

In the face of the continuous progress and exploration of the hydrogen energy industry, combined with the current actual situation, experts put forward the key points that need to be paid attention to from multiple perspectives.

Li Huan believes that it is necessary to firmly grasp the strategic positioning of hydrogen energy as an important part of the future national energy system, an important carrier of green and low-carbon transformation of energy-using terminals, a strategic emerging industry and the key development direction of future industries, focusing on hydrogen energy industry innovation, hydrogen energy industry strengthening and supplementing the chain, clean and low-carbon hydrogen supply, large-scale application of hydrogen energy, and hydrogen energy international cooperation, so as to promote the hydrogen energy industry from existing to excellent, and the hydrogen energy industry chain from weak to strong.

Peng Tianduo focused on the development of green hydrogen derivatives, suggesting that green hydrogen derivatives such as green ammonia and green methanol can be used as a breakthrough to match the early large-scale production and consumption of green hydrogen, actively promote the large-scale development of green hydrogen derivatives, and drive the application of hydrogen energy in multiple scenarios such as industry, transportation, and construction. He also said that all localities can support the development of green hydrogen derivatives according to their own resource endowments and conditions, and promote the gradual maturity of the industry.

Wang Hongjian, vice president and chief engineer of Daoshi Research Institute, said in an interview with People's Daily Online that there may be imbalance in the geographical distribution of hydrogen energy production and consumption in the future, so the construction of a large-scale, long-distance and low-cost hydrogen energy transmission pipeline network is crucial for the development of the hydrogen economy in the future. Such an infrastructure can ensure the efficient transmission of hydrogen from the production area to the consumer market, promote the optimal allocation and utilization of hydrogen energy resources, and provide solid support for the prosperity of the hydrogen economy. (Reporter Xu Weina and intern Zhang Yichi also contributed to this article)

Source: People's Daily Online

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