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China's hydrogen energy industry has entered the fast lane of development
Time:2024-04-20      Click:990

Alkaline water hydrogen production, PEM hydrogen production, high-pressure gaseous hydrogen storage...... In recent years, new technological breakthroughs and application scenarios have emerged in China's hydrogen energy industry, core technologies have been accelerated, and the application market has been continuously optimized, providing a strong development impetus for high-quality development and green and low-carbon energy transformation.

Hydrogen energy is not only an important part of the emerging energy system, but also an important starting point to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. A number of experts said that the hydrogen energy industry is the key development direction of China's emerging industries and future industries, and promoting the construction of a new energy system with hydrogen energy will promote the large-scale and efficient utilization of renewable energy in China and help achieve the "double carbon" goal.

Under the goal of "double carbon", China's hydrogen energy industry has gradually entered a critical stage of technological breakthrough, and significant breakthroughs have been made in technologies such as green hydrogen production, hydrogen fuel cells, and high-flow hydrogen refueling station control systems. Relying on the "Green Hydrogen Preparation" project in Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, Sinopec Machinery has carried out the assembly and commissioning of alkaline water hydrogen production and PEM hydrogen production equipment at the same time, and successfully achieved continuous and stable output of high-purity hydrogen. Green hydrogen is sent to Hebei, Tianjin and other places through transportation pipelines to replace some of the existing "gray hydrogen" that uses natural gas as raw material and causes a large amount of carbon emissions in the production process, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 4.728 million tons per year.

According to reports, in addition to the production of hydrogen, the detection and control of hydrogen quality has al

"The hydrogen energy industry is the key development direction of China's emerging industries and future industries, and it is also one of the important directions for the development of new quality productivity." Ma Yongsheng, Chairman of Sinopec, said at the meeting to promote the high-quality development of the modern industrial chain of hydrogen energy application that it is necessary to focus on core tasks such as green and low-carbon development and application scenario building, and continue to make efforts in basic solid chain, technology supplemental chain, integration and strengthening chain, and optimization of plastic chain, so as to accelerate the high-quality development of China's hydrogen energy industry.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Science and Technology Department of the National Energy Administration, China's hydrogen energy patents rank first in the world, and breakthroughs in key core technologies have been accelerated. At present, China's hydrogen production capacity of monofluorine has been steadily improved, energy consumption has continued to decline, and the technology of hydrogen production by water electrolysis of self-made exchange membranes has made rapid progress, and more than 450 hydrogen refueling stations have been built, ranking first in the world. The technology of 35 megapascal intelligent rapid hydrogen refueling machine and 70 megapascal hydrogen refueling station has gradually made breakthroughs, and fuel cell stacks of more than 200 kilowatts have been gradually put into the market.

"In many fields such as scientific and technological research and development, capacity construction, China's hydrogen energy industry ranks first in the world." The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it is necessary to rely on scientific research projects to accelerate the research of key core technologies of hydrogen energy in the industrial field, strengthen the technology research and development and innovation of weak links, and improve the overall technical level of the industry.

Explore multiple applications to unleash the potential of hydrogen energy achievements

The hydrogen-powered city train was successfully put into trial operation, the commercial operation of the hydrogen commuter car was officially delivered, and the hydrogen-electric hybrid artificial intelligence transportation robot was successfully rolled off the assembly line...... In recent years, the application scenarios of hydrogen energy technology in China are continuing to expand, the pace of innovation is accelerating, and the application of hydrogen energy industry has entered the "fast lane".

The downstream application scenarios of the hydrogen energy industry cover many fields such as transportation, industry, construction and power. Among them, transportation and industrial manufacturing are relatively mature areas for hydrogen energy applications. According to data from the National Energy Administration, by 2060, China's hydrogen energy demand is expected to reach 130 million tons, and the transportation sector will expand by 31% year by year; In terms of corresponding supporting infrastructure, China has built more than 250 hydrogen refueling stations, accounting for about 40% of the world's total, ranking first in the world.

The transportation field has taken the lead in blowing the "hydrogen" wind, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have become an important breakthrough in the application of hydrogen energy industry in various places. Beijing will build an innovative application base for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and plans to achieve the goal of exceeding 10,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles by 2025. Hong Kong's first hydrogen bus was approved for trial operation, with a hydrogen refueling time of only 10 minutes and a range of up to 400 kilometers. The Hainan Free Trade Port has built a zero-carbon emission vehicle ecosystem demonstration project, and hydrogen energy online car-hailing shuttles through airports, high-speed rail stations, wharves and tourist roads around the island, helping Hainan Transportation take the lead in entering the "hydrogen energy era......

"In the future, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will have the potential to replace diesel vehicles and gasoline vehicles, and become one of the important trends in the development of the hydrogen energy industry." According to Cao Xianghong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, it is an important strategic measure for China to achieve the goal of "double carbon", and it is also a social system engineering that gradually changes China's energy structure, mainly hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, combined with green hydrogen to methanol, green hydrogen metallurgy, green hydrogen power supply and heating, and other application scenarios.

Optimize market allocation and promote the upgrading of industrial and supply chains

In recent years, China has focused on the layout of the hydrogen energy industry, laying a good foundation for the further development of hydrogen energy technology and industrial chain. The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Completely, Accurately, and Comprehensively Implementing the New Development Concept and Doing a Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality" clearly promote the development of the whole chain of hydrogen energy "production, storage, transportation and use"; The "Guidelines for the Construction of Hydrogen Energy Industry Standard System (2023 Edition)" systematically builds the framework of the hydrogen energy industry standard system; The "Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)" makes systematic arrangements for the development of the hydrogen energy industry at present and in the future.

Relying on relevant policies and regional characteristics, all localities will optimize the hydrogen energy industry mechanism according to local conditions, and accelerate the construction of high-end "hydrogen energy dual chains". Recently, Shenzhen's first international hydrogen energy industrial park was officially unveiled, gathering nearly 200 entities related to the hydrogen energy industry chain, covering key materials and core components such as carbon paper, catalysts, membrane electrodes, bipolar plates, and stacks, as well as downstream product development and high-end equipment manufacturing. The number of enterprises related to hydrogen production, storage, transportation and processing increased by nearly 50%, and the number of fuel cell and system-related enterprises increased by nearly 43% by 24.

The construction of the hydrogen energy industry chain should not only be "complete", but also "refined", and equipment manufacturing provides an important guarantee for the upstream production and downstream application of the hydrogen energy industry. A few days ago, Sinopec Hydrogen Energy Equipment Manufacturing Base was officially unveiled, and a 4,400-square-meter hydrogen energy equipment production and test workshop has been built, with 4 production assembly and testing units, and the highest test pressure of the high-pressure gas equipment comprehensive test center has reached 105Mpa, helping the high-quality development of hydrogen energy equipment in China.

"At present, the R&D and manufacturing level of key hydrogen energy equipment in China has been steadily improved, the manufacturing cost of electrolyzers and other equipment has decreased by about 30%, the number of suppliers has grown to more than 300, and the cost of fuel cell systems has decreased by nearly 80% compared with 2020." Ma Yongsheng said.

"In the process of developing the hydrogen energy industry, we must focus on making up for the shortcomings, elongating the long boards, and forging new boards." Industry experts said that it is necessary to promote the optimization of the industrial chain and supply chain, enhance the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, and ensure the stability and safety of the hydrogen energy industry chain and supply chain. (Wang Meng also contributed to this article)


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