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Provincial and municipal leaders accompanied the multinational group to inspect the company
Time:2022-08-22      Click:831

  Provincial and municipal leaders accompanied the multinational group to inspect Chunhua Hydrogen Energy

     On July 21, 2022, Guo Ning, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, Jiang Xianghui, Deputy Mayor of Zhuzhou Municipal Government, and other provincial and municipal leaders, accompanied the delegation of the chief representatives of world-renowned multinational groups in China, visited the Chunhua Hydrogen Energy Plant of China Power Valley to conduct field research on the PEM water electrolyzer and related industrial technology products of Chunhua Company's hydrogen production equipment.


Figure: Explain the company's development plan

   During the investigation, the person in charge of Chunhua Hydrogen Energy introduced the company's development history, team formation, scientific research achievements, production situation, industrial chain layout and future planning to the delegation in detail.The delegation visited the material preparation area, precision machining area, integrated assembly area, and production testing area, focusing on the production/capacity/industrialization of PEM water electrolysis hydrogen production technology and megawatt-level electrolyzer equipment.


Figure: Introducing the company's PEM water electrolyzer

     Subsequently, at the exchange symposium, the person in charge of Chunhua hydrogen energy made a detailed demonstration report on the overall situation of the company, Guo Ning, member of the party group and deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, said: the development of hydrogen energy industry is an important strategic choice to accelerate energy transformation and upgrading, and cultivate new economic growth points. It is necessary to industrialize, mass produce and modernize the technology owned by Chunhua, quickly meet the current procurement needs, and accelerate the innovation and upgrading of enterprises.


Pictured: Guo Ning, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, delivered a speech

     The chief representative of the world-renowned multinational group in China said: Our company plans to supply more than 10 million tons of green hydrogen every year by 2030, and the market is huge, and we hope that with the support of the provincial and municipal governments, Chunhua Hydrogen Energy and local supporting enterprises in Zhuzhou will work together to seize the opportunity, give full play to the location advantages of the industrial city, establish a large-scale production plant with Zhuzhou as the center, and quickly expand in the world, and establish a global green hydrogen equipment supply and production agglomeration base.


Pictured: Speech by the representative of the delegation

     Jiang Xianghui, deputy mayor of Zhuzhou Municipal Government, expressed a warm welcome to the world-renowned multinational group, and said: The hydrogen energy industry has a broad market, and we hope to take this inspection as an opportunity to quickly build a communication platform and cooperation platform between the two sides, occupy the commanding heights of the industry, build a green hydrogen energy industry cluster based on Zhuzhou, and convey the new pattern and vitality of Zhuzhou's open development for win-win cooperation.


Pictured: Jiang Xianghui, Deputy Mayor of Zhuzhou City, delivered a speech

     Chunhua Hydrogen Energy has embarked on a new journey of hydrogen energy, and all colleagues of the company will take the hydrogen energy cause as its mission, never forget its original intention, seize the opportunity in low-carbon new energy, science and technology, and industry, accelerate the pace, increase the scale, and create more achievements, and build a related hydrogen energy ecological industrial chain with PEM water electrolysis hydrogen production as the mainstream technology, so as to realize the production and ecological zero-carbon hydrogen energy industrial base and demonstration park.



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