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Xie Shu: Actively cultivate and develop new quality productive forces
Time:2024-04-20      Click:1014

Productive forces are the fundamental driving force for the development of human society, and they are also the ultimate cause of all social and political changes. At present, the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has developed in depth, profoundly changing the way of human production and life. In the new era, various new technologies emerge one after another, digital technology has penetrated into various fields and has been widely used, industrial transformation has accelerated its evolution, and productivity has shown a new look and new essence, while traditional productivity has continued to develop, improve the quality of development, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity, firmly grasp the major opportunities of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and win strategic opportunities in the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries. 

Based on the mission and tasks of the new era, how to develop new quality productivity according to local conditions? The scientific and technological innovation platform should be strengthened, the construction of key projects should be accelerated, the ability of scientific and technological innovation should be improved, and efforts should be made to form landmark scientific and technological achievements. There should be more scientific and technological talents, in-depth implementation of high-level talent introduction support plan, give full play to the role of scientific research workstations and scientific and technological projects in supporting the growth of talents, and effectively implement various talent service policies. To vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productivity, enterprises, as the basic unit of building a modern industrial system and the carrier of power to promote high-quality development, are the main body of practice to integrate scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and cultivate and develop new quality productivity. To promote high-quality development and vigorously develop new quality productivity, it is necessary to give better play to the role of enterprises as the main body of innovation, transform scientific and technological innovation achievements into industrial development results, and provide lasting endogenous power for building new advantages in international competition and winning the initiative for future development.

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of the development of new quality productivity, the new era, the new situation, the new journey, we must strive to make scientific and technological innovation this "key variable" become the "largest increment" of the development of new quality productivity, and strive to promote the development of key industries and future industrial clusters, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system to a new level and achieving new breakthroughs.

(Author: Xie Shu, Distinguished Professor of North China Electric Power University, Chairman of Chunhua Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd.)

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